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Old December 1st, 2013, 02:30 PM
Lightbulb Re: Jamia Entrance Test 2012

Originally Posted by Md Ejaz Ahmad View Post
i want to know process of admition in class 9th & how to be prepaired for it?
zakiya malik I want to know when will be entrance form of jmi will come &what is the last date for submission plz answer me
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Old February 12th, 2014, 10:55 AM
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Default Re: Jamia Entrance Test 2012

You want Jamia Humdard University MCA Entrance exam syllabus so here i am giving you:


The admission to MCA programme will be on the basis of the merit determined by the performance of the candidates in the written Entrance Test only. The Entrance Test Paper will be based on questions from subjects of BCA of Jamia Hamdard.Syllabus of BCA is given below:

• Mathematics
Differentiation and partial differentiation, derivative of sum, dot product and cross product of two vectors, gradient, divergence and curl;. System of circles, standard equations and properties of parabola and Ellipse; General equation of second degree in two variables, tracing of conic sections, sphere; Successive differentiation, Libneitz theorem, partial differentiation, curvature, asymptotes, singular points, concavity, points of inflexion and tracing of Cartesian curves; Differential equation of first order; Matrix Algebra including rank, inverse, linear system of equations, Eigen value & Caley Hamilton Theorem; team working and management.Sets and related operations, Relations and their properties, matrix of relations, functions and its properties, Introduction to graph theory, Significance of graph theory for computer science, matrix representation of graphs, Path Matrix, Shortest path algorithm, Introduction to recurrence relation, Formulation of recurrence relations, Characteristic equation and Characteristic roots of recurrence relation, Solution of recurrence relations, Introduction to prepositional calculus, logical operations, Truth tables of logical identities, Equivalence of logical identities, Introduction to Boolean Algebra.Numerical methods versus numerical analysis, Errors and Measure of Errors.Non-linear Equations, Iterative solutions, multiple rocks and other difficulties, interpolation methods of BI-section, false position methods, Newton Raphson-Methods. Simultaneous Solutions of Equations, Gases Elimination Methods Gaues Jordan methods Gaues seedily methods. Interpolation and curve fitting, Lagrangian polynomials, Newton's methods: Forward Difference methods, Backward Difference methods Divided difference methods. Numerical Integration and Different Trapezoidal Rule, Simpson 1/3 Rule Simpson's 3/8 Rule. Numerical differentiation by polynomial Fit.

• Statistical Techniques
Measure of Central Tendency, Preparing frequency distribution table, Mean Arithmetic mean harmonic, mean medial mode. Measure of dispersion, skewness and kurtosis Ranges, Mean deviation. Standard deviation, co-efficiency of variation, Moments skew ness kurtosis. Correlation. Regression linear; Regression. Least square fit liner trend, Non-linear trend.

• Introduction to Computer and IT
Computer Organisation: Block Diagram, Basic Architecture etc. Evolution and Different Types of Computer and then Characterizing features; Functional unit of computers, primary and secondary memory. Number System: Decimal, octal, binary and hexadecimal.Representation of Integers, fixed and floating point, character representation schemeIntroduction to operating system: DOS & Windows Elements of IT: Introduction to Range of Info Technologies; Audio, video, multimedia, Internet and Intranets.Introduction to Intelligent systems. Expert systems, Virtual Reality System Development life cycles : Waterfall methods, prototyping, JAD, RAD, etc.

• Programming in C
Programming Fundamentals, algorithm development, techniques of problem solving, flowcharting, stepwise refinement; Programming in C including features of ‘C’, C tokens, data type, operators, expressions, Branching Constructs: if-else, switch, conditional operator & goto statements; Looping Constructs: while, do-while, for and Jumping statements; Arrays, string processing, Functions: categories of functions, recursion; Pointers: operations on pointers, pointers & structures; Structures and Unions; File Management: Defining & opening a file, closing a file, input/output operations. Development of efficient programs; Debugging, verification and testing of programs.

• Organizational Behavior
Psychological dimensions and relevance in the emerging society; Learning : styles and principles; Skinner, Thorndike and Piaget theories; Conditions of learning; Organizational behavior: essential attributes; Memory: short term and long term; Efficient and effective ways in respect of thinking, problem solving and decision making ; Stress management; models of personality, factors and desirable features of a healthy personality; Basic Needs and their hierarchy: Mallow model and self actualizing personalities.

• Communication Skills
Review of English Grammar; Written and Spoken Language; Common Errors in language; Punctuation (purpose, role, importance and use); Effective use of dictionary, thesaurus, encyclopedia, OED; Figures of speech; Language Skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading, Writing); Meaning what you mean; Listening: Effective and efficient listening in various situations (discussions, lectures, news, seminars, speech, telephone calls etc.);Speaking: Phonetics, intonation, accent, usage; strategies for a good rhetoric; Reading: Purpose; Comprehension; Tactics and strategies for good reading; Writing: Guidelines for good writing; various writing styles (General and Technical writing styles);Communication (purpose, role, importance, elements); Effective and efficient communication; Role of content, context and language; Spoken and written communication; Presentation and delivery; Role of speaker and audience; Style and body language; Planning, organization, presentation, participation, conduction and feedback of discussions, meetings, seminars etc; Effective and efficient presentation and discussion skills; Discussion and Presentation skills of conferences, meetings, seminars etc; General and Technical documents (correspondence (applications, letters, resumes, CV), drafts, essays, memos; minutes; notes, proposals, precis, reports, summary, synopsis,), appendices, references, table of contents, acknowledgements, prologue, epilogue, revision; Use of Audio-Visual Aids: OHP, Slides, Charts, Computers etc.

• Introduction to Data Structures
Representation of data , Data Types, ADT and Data Structures, Arrays : single and multidimensional arrays , Structures , Static and Dynamic implementations of data structures, Stacks and it’s applications ,infix, prefix and postfix notations and conversions ,Recursion, queues other general lists and applications; Linked Lists: dynamic memory allocation & pointers, linked stacks & queues. Trees : Binary Trees, Tree search ,tree traversals , threaded binary tree, Height Balancing- AVL trees; graphs – BFS and DFS ; B-trees, b+ trees , searching and sorting techniques and their analysis of algorithms , searching : linear search, binary search, tree search. Sorting : bubble sort, quick sort, insertion sort, heap sort, shell sort , merge sort and radix sort .

• Computer Organization
Number System, complements, binary arithmetic, and logic gates. Boolean functions. Dual of a Boolean function. Inverse of a Boolean function. Boolean function representation: canonical form, standard form. Boolean function Simplification: Algebraic method, Karnaugh Map method. Boolean function implementation: NAND implementation, NOR implementation. Binary codes: BCD, EBCDIC, ASCII, Excess-3, gray code. Combinational circuits: adder, subtractor, decoder, and encoder, MUX/DEMUX etc. Sequential circuits: Flip-flops, registers and Counters.

• Business Data Processing and File Systems
Data Processing: Concept, relevance and cycle; Organisation and attributes of business data processing; Computing environments; Programming methodologies: structured, object oriented etc.; Programming Principles: style, coding, testing and refinements; Input and output devices: an overview; Business Systems; Business computing: characteristics, significance and distinguishing features; Physical storage devise and their characteristics, File : fields, records, fixed and variable length records, primary and secondary keys; File operations, Basic file system operations; File organisations: Sequential, indexed Sequential, Direct, relative etc; Data processing using COBOL/FoxPro , Introduction to database design.

• Computer Based Financial Accounting and Management
Conceptual Framework, Nature and Scope of accounting information; Identifying and recording accounting transactions using traditional and accounting equations approach; Generally accepted accounting principles; Accounting standards in India; Bases of accounting-cash and accrual; Capital and revenue items. Fundamentals of computerized accounting system: concept of grouping the accounting heads; Schemes of assigning the codes to accounting heads, maintaining the hierarchy of ledger accounts for preparing control accounts; Case Study and use of a software tool.

• Fundamental Concepts of Operating Systems
Operating systems overview: Computer System Structure, operating systems structure, OS functions, facilities; Processes: introduction, concurrency, inter process communication, classical problems, process scheduling, Memory management: swapping, virtual memory, segmentation. File systems: files, directories, file system implementation, security, and protection mechanism. Input / output: principles of input / output hardware and software, disks, clocks, terminals. Deadlocks: introduction, detection, recovery, and prevention; Coordinated Case Study of Unix and Windows.

• Introduction to Object Oriented Programming using C++
OOP : Programming methodologies: concepts of structured and object oriented programming; advantage of OOP methodologies, characteristics of OOP languages: objects, classes, Data Abstraction , Encapsulation ,inheritance, reusability, polymorphism and operator overloading, function overloading;Programming in C++ :data types, constants, expressions and statements, Arrays Strings, function overloading, functions, friend functions , in line functions constructors and destructors, derived classes, friend classes , operator overloading , support for data abstraction, derived class, base class, pointers and arrays, pointers and functions, support for OOP.

• System Programming concepts & Compiler Design
Mathematical preliminaries, sets, relations and functions, graphs and trees, strings, theory of automata, DFA, NFA, acceptability of a string by finite automata, minimization of finite automata, applications of finite automata –lexical analysis, text editors etc. Introduction to formal languages- regular grammars , context free grammar, context sensitive grammar. Evolution of the Components of a Programming System,compilers, Assemblers, Loaders Absolute loader, relocating loader,Direct linkage loader, Linkers,Macros, Variety of software tools, Text editors, Interpreters and program generators Debug Monitor. Compilers : Basic concepts, compilers and interpreters, pass of a compilers, phases-lexical phase, syntax phase, semantic analysis phase, parser, top down, bottom up parsing, translation schemes, type analysis and type checking, code generation phase and optimization. Symbol table management, error handling.

• Systems Analysis and Design
System : definition and concept; Real time and distributed systems; Data information and related attributes; System analysis and analyst; System development life cycle: study, analysis, design, development and implementation; System planning; data & fact finding techniques; System design and modeling: logical and physical design representation, data flow diagram, ERD, structure charts; forms design : classification, user interface; standards; control and validation checks; user interface guidelines modular and structured design; System implementation & maintenance; Project management techniques; use of an available tool to implement a case study.

• Software Engineering , testing and Quality Assurance
Introduction to S/W engineering; software product and process: Generic Phases, software development models; Project Scheduling and Tracking; Software architecture and design: prominent design methodologies; Verification, validation and performance evaluation;; SW Configuration Management and maintenance; SW measurement-Size, Process and Project Metrics; LOC , FP metrics; Testing and the related concepts : Testability and features of Test Cases; Software Testing techniques: WBT,BBT, Software Testing Strategies: Approach, Issues; integration, System, alpha , Beta testing etc; Quality Factors, framework , Quality assurance: concepts, Activities ect. . SW Reliability, SQA Plan, Quality models: ISO 9000 and SEI-CMM and their relevance. Functions of CASE tools and their use with practical examples of special CASE tools, such as Turbo Analyst.

• Introduction to DBMS and Oracle
Concept of Database and its evaluation, Data abstraction and data integration; the three level architecture of a DBMS, components of a DBMS; Data models and their implementations : relational. Network, Hierarchical; Relational data manipulations : relational algebra, relational calculus, SQL; Relational database design: functional dependencies, finding keys, 1st to 3rd Normal Forms, BCNF, lossless join and Dependency preserving decomposition, computing closures of set FD's, finding keys. Introduction to Oracle – Data types, SQL *PLUS, PL/SQL: Function, Procedure, Cursor, Exceptions, Triggers etc.

• Management Information System
Introduction to the concept of Decision Support system: Component of DSS ialogue management; data management and Model management for DSS ;example of different types of DSS ;system Analysis & Design for DSS ;Model in the context of DSS ;Algorithm & Heuristics; DSS application in different functions ;Design for interfaces in DSS, An overview of DSS generators, Group discussion in Support system ( GDSS) . And decision conferencing. Introduction of Expert System . Expert system in management; case study on expert system. introduction to GIS ;MIS based on GIS; case studies ;Executive Information system( EIS).

• Introduction to Unix and Windows NT
Introduction to UNIX, UNIX files and directories Commonly used commands in UNIX pipes and processes editor, basic shell programming awk utility UNIX file system. WIN NT: The windows NT environment installing window NT file system disk partitions and fault tolerance setting up and administering user and group accounts, securing resources running applications configuring the windows NT environment, Windows NT services, printing from Windows NT, trouble shooting Windows NT.

• Data Communication & Computers Networks
Data Communication System: Purpose, Components : Source, transmitter, transmission System, receiver, and destination. Data transmission: Frequency, Spectrum and Bandwidth. Time-domain and frequency dominion Concepts. Relationship between data-rate and Bandwidth. Analog and digital data transmission. Data and signal. Analog and digital Signaling of analog and digital data. Modem, Modulation techniques,CODEC, Digital Transmitter etc. Transmission impairments : Attenuation and attenuation distortion, delay distortion, noise. Introduction to Network, OSI reference model, TCP/IP reference model. Transmission Media: Magnetic Media, Twisted-Pair cables, Baseband & Broadband Coaxial cables, Fiber Optics.Wireless Transmission: Radio Transmission, Microwave Transmission.ISDN; ATM; Data Link Layer: Services, Framing, Error Control, Error-detecting & Correcting Codes.Data Link Protocols: Stop-and-Wait Protocol, Sliding Window Protocol.HDLC; Static & Dynamic Channel allocation in LANs & MANs.Multiple Access Protocols: ALOHA, CSMA/CD; IEEE standards 802.3 and Ethernet, 802.4: Token Bus; 802.5: TokenRing. Bridges, Routers, Gateways, Routing Algos, Congestion control Algos, Internetworking, The TCP/IP Protocol, IP Addressing, Subnets.

• Computer Graphics
Basics of Graphics Systems Applications, Display Devices : Video Displays, Raster-Scan Displays, Rondom Scan Displays, DVST, Flat-panel Displays. Input devices : Keyboards, Mouse, Trackball and Spaceball, Joysticks, Digitizers, Image Scanner, Touch panel, light pens, Voice Systems etc. Line drawing algorithms: DDA Algorithm, Bresenham’s line Algorithm.Bresenham’s Circle drawing algorithm, Mid-Point Circle Algorithm, Scan-line Polygen Fill Algorithm, Inside-Outside test, Boundery Fill algorithm, Flood-Fill algorithm. Pixel, Pixel addressing, Antialiasing.Clipping : Cehen-Sutharland line clipping algorithm, Line clipping using nonrectangular clip windows, Polygon clipping. Text clipping. Two-dimensional geometric transformation : Translation, Rotation, Scaling, Reflection, Shear, Matrix representation and Homogeneous coordinates.Composite transformation: Translations, Rotations, Scalings.General Pivot-Point Rotation and Scaling

• Visual Language Programming
Generic Concept of procedure & event oriented languages; Low and high level visual languages; Visual architecture: methods, statements and properties; Basic concepts of visual program design and comparison with non-visuals; Visual programming environment and development of visual programs: project window, forms, code, properties & event procedures; Program design including case solution, run time properties; Programming using Visual Basic/VC++; implementation of a case study.

• Internet Technology and Applications & e-commerce
Introduction of Internet, understanding the Internet, A tower of the Internet Hardware requirement to connect to the Internet, S/W requirement and Internet service products Internet Addressing Mall using mail from shell account understanding the web, using the web, Introduction to usenet file types used on the Internet Mailing list Telnet Talk facts: using talk from a shell a/c IRC Basics of TCP/IP, Introduction to Internet Programming with JAVA/Perl: creating applets, applications, security.Introduction to E-Business, Electronic Fund Transfer (EFT), Value-chain, internet Business strategy, Functional Architecture, implementation Strategies; Building Blocks of E-commerce, System design, creating and managing content etc; Cryptography and security management; Payment systems; Auxiliary system; transaction Processing; Building e-commerce system, system architecture, secure links etc;Present and future Trend; Impact of e-commerce; A case Study on development of e-commerce system.

• Object Oriented Methodology and UML
Object modelling bject and classes ;links and association, generalisation and inheritance; Grouping construct, Aggregation, generalisation as extension and restriction .Multiple inheritance; Meta data, candidate Keys .Dynamic Modelling :Events and states nesting Concurrency .Functional modelling : Analysis bject modelling ,functional modelling adding operations, Iteration; System design : Subsystem , concurrency .Allocation to Processors and tasks. Management of data stores. Control implementation. Boundary condition. Architectural Framework . object design ptimization , Implementation of control . Adjustment of inheritance. Design of associations, Documentation ,Comparison of methodologies.; Implementation : Using a programming language , a data base system . Programming styles , reusability , extensibility , robustness . programming –in – the- large , case study; Overview of UML: Terminology, Methology; Application of UML with a system example.

• Network Programming
Inter Process Communication: Pipes, FIFOs, message queues, Semaphores. Communication protocols: TCP/IP, XNS, SNA, NetBIOS, UUCP. Berkley Sockets. System V Transport Layer Interface. Security. Winsock programming using the Windows sockets and blocking I/O. Other Windows Extensions. Network dependent DLLs. Sending and receiving data over connections. Terminations; Novel IPX/SPX: Novel’s windows driver. Network interface for windows. IPX/SPX procedure. Datagram Communication. Connection oriented communication with SPX. IPX/SPX implementation of DLLs. Programming application: Time and Date routines. Ping, Trivial File Transfer Protocol, Remote Login, RPC.

• Advance DBMS
Review of database management systems; Design and knowledge database; Review of different database models; Concept of data bases and storage structures ;Query Optimization , Integrity of databases : need for concurrency control, locking, deadlock avoidance etc. database recovery; Coding: representation of knowledge, classification and compression; Object relational databases, Object oriented databases, Distributed databases: advantages, techniques and related concepts ; Management of Distributed transactions, Heterogeneous Database, Client server Databases technologies ,temporal and spatial databases , Internet databases . Case Study – ORACLE as RDBMS, ORDBMS, OODBMS capabilities.

• Parallel Processing
Concept of parallelism, Mechanism for uniprocessor systems; Parallel computer architecture; Pipelining and vector processing; Instruction and arithmetic pipelining; parallel algorithms for array processors; SIMD computers and performance enhancements; Microprocessor Architecture and Programming: Functional Structure, interconnection networks, multiprocessors; Parallel Algorithms for multiprocessors; Data driven computing and languages.

• Artificial Intelligence
Scope of AI : Games ,the ROM proving ,natural language processing , vision and speech processing , robotics expert system, AI technique search knowledge, abstraction ;Problem Solving : State space search : production system. Search space control: depth first ,breadth first search, heuristic search –hill climbing ,best first search , branch and bound . Minimax search , Alpha –Beta cut offs. Solemnizing queries , Unification .Modus pones . Resolution , dependency directed backtracking, forward reasoning : Conflict resolution, Logic Programming in PROLOG.
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Old February 25th, 2014, 08:21 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2011
Default Re: Jamia Entrance Test

Jamia Milia Islamia Engineering Entrance Examination is an entrance exam conducted by the Jamia Milia Islamia for admission to the various courses in engineering offered by the university. Following are the details of this test:

The applicant should have cleared 10+2 from a recognized board with a minimum of an aggregate of 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Maths…………..

Paper pattern:
There will be 170 objective type questions. The exam will have three sections. The 1st section is Physics with 55 marks. 2nd section is Chemistry with 55 marks and the 3rd section is Maths with 60 marks.

The duration of the test is 180 minutes.

Tentative dates:
JMI Application form Submission: In May
Date of JMI Entrance Test: In June
Jamia Entrance Result Date: In June
Interviews Commencement Dates: Between last June-July
Final List Declaration: Mid July
JMI Admission Formalities: Mid July

Jamia Millia Islamia
Jamia Nagar, Maulana Mohammad Ali Jauhar Marg, New Delhi, DL ‎
011 2698 1717

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Old March 20th, 2015, 12:14 PM
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Join Date: Mar 2015
Default msc entrance papers

please send me the last year question papers with answers of jamia millia islamia university new delhi....plzzzzzzzzzzzz
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