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Old June 5th, 2012, 10:09 AM
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Sir, Is there any website which provide Sikkim Manipal University MBA Books free? If yes then give me the link of website from where can I free download SMU Books?

As you want to get model question papers of MBA Program of Sikkim Manipal University, so here I am providing the following model question papers:

Sikkim Manipal University MBA Model Question Paper

1 . “ Communication is a process involving the selection, production and transmission of signs in such a way as to help a receiver perceive a meaning similar to that in the mind of the communicator.” This definition of communication was given by:

a) Newman and Summer b) Bellows, Gilson and Odirone c) Berelson and Steiner d) Fotheringham

2. Communication starts with : a) Message b) Sender c) Channel d) Feedback

3. The number of key elements in the communication process is : a) Five b) Six c) Seven d) Four

4. The two broad areas of communication are :
a) Oral and written communication
b) Verbal and written communication
c) Verbal and non-verbal communication
d) Oral and non-verbal communication

5. Which of the following are examples of oral communication?
a) Meetings, memos and presentations
b) Meetings, memos and performance reviews
c) Meetings, presentations and performance reviews
d) Reports, presentations and performance reviews

6.Which of the following are examples of written communication?
a) Letters and voicemail
b) Reports and email
c) Circulars and voicemail
d) Presentations and email

7. All the following are external stakeholders of an organization, except:
a) Media b) Government c) Suppliers d) Shar eholders

8. Functional coordination is one important reason for communicating with :
a) Superiors b) Peers c) Subordinates d) Employees’ unions


. “
Communication is a process involving the selection, production and transmission of
signs in such a way as to help a receiver perceive a meaning similar to that in the mind of
the communicator.” This definition of communication was given by:
a) Newman and Summer b) Bellows, Gilson and Odirone c) Berelson and Steiner d)
2. Communication starts with : a) Message b) Sender c) Channel d) Feedback
3. The number of key elements in the communication process is : a) Five b) Six c) Seven
d) Four
4. The two broad areas of communication are :
a) Oral and written communication
b) Verbal and written communication
c) Verbal and non-verbal communication
d) Oral and non-verbal communication
5. Which of the following are examples of oral communication?
a) Meetings, memos and presentations
b) Meetings, memos and performance reviews
c) Meetings, presentations and performance reviews
d) Reports, presentations and performance reviews
6.Which of the following are examples of written communication?
a) Letters and voicemail
b) Reports and email
c) Circulars and voicemail
d) Presentations and email
7. All the following are external stakeholders of an organization, except:
a) Media b) Government c) Suppliers d) Shar eholders
8. Functional coordination is one important reason for communicating with :
a) Superiors b) Peers c) Subordinates d) Employees’ unions

9. Communication with superiors involves:
Problem solving b) Disciplinary matters c) Welfare aspects d) Public relations
10. Listening has been identified as one of the “seven habits of highly effective people”
by :
a) Lundsteen b) Stephen Covey c) Lee Iacocca d) Tom Peters
11. The most basic type of listening is known as :
a) Discriminative listening b) Comprehension listening c) Appreciative listening d)
Evaluative listening
12. Another name for dialogic listening is :
Empathetic listening b) Therapeutic listening c) Relational listening d) Active
13. Readability is determined mainly by :
a) Punctuation b) Length of words c) Active and passive voice d) Spelling
14. One broad principle of general writing is :
a) Write to express, not to impress b) Write to impress not to express c) Tone d)
Emphasis and subordination
15. Writing style can be improved through use of :
Jargon b) Slang c) Simple words d) Metaphors
16. All the following are advantages of oral communication, except :
a) Control over receiver’s attention b) Immediate feedback c) Personal quality d)
Conveying complex information
17. Teleconferencing is not suitable for :
a) Meetings b) Interviews c) Problem solving d) Keeping in touch with countr y offices
18. One advantage of telephone communication is :

Good for problem solving b) Permits use of some non-verbal cues c) Conveying
large amount of information d) Keeping a permanent record
19. Reading refers to which element of the communication process?
a) Encoding b) Decoding c) Message d) Channel
20. Reading for information about what is happening within your organization is called :
a) Reading for pleasure b) Reading for personal interest c) Reading for internal
information d) Professional reading
21. Reading may be described by all the following, except:
A passive process b) A skill c) An active process d) Thinking under the stimulus
of the printed page
22. The most challenging type of meeting is :
a) Task oriented meeting b) Information sharing meeting c) Progress meeting d) Problem
solving meeting
23. All the following are characteristics of meetings, except:
a) Focused b) Planned c) Highly formal d) Structured
24. A meeting called to discuss arrangements for a specific event is called:
Progress meeting b) Task oriented meeting c) Decision making meeting d)
Information sharing meeting
25. The word “memo” is a short form for :
a) Memory b) Memorizing c) Memorandum d) Memoirs
26.Memo is derived from a Latin word which means :
a) A thing which must be remembered b) A thing which must be memorized c) A thing
which must be written d) A thing which must be communicated
27. One characteristic of a memo is :
a) Formal b) Tool for external communication c) Concise d) Pretentious
28. All the following types of information can be posted on the intranet, except:

a) Employee benefits b) Declared holidays c) Company policies d) Performance
29. One advantage of the intranet is :
a) Easy to develop and maintain b) Easy to get started c) Avoids information overload d)
Will be readily used by all employees
30. One disadvantage of the intranet is :
a) Large investment in time and money b) Encourages grapevine c) Is inferior to email d)
Not suited for small organizations
31. All the following are principles of business letter wr iting, except :
a) Consideration b) Directness c) Precision d) Ambiguity
32.Which of the following is not a compulsory part of a business letter?
Salutation b) Close c) Attention line d) Body
33. A press release is better known today as :
a) Public relations b) Publicity c) News release d) Advertising
34. One advantage of a news release is :
Unpaid form of communication b) Highly credible c) Can appear in all media d)
Reaches more number of people
35. Which of the following does not describe a report?
a) Orderly b) Subjective c) Helps decision making d) Helps in problem solving
36. The quality of a report is determined mainly by:
The language of the report b) The visual aspects c) The length of the report d) The
accuracy of the data
37. A resume summarizes the following :
a) Strengths and weaknesses b) Personality c) Education and experience d) Hobbies
38. Which of the following is characteristic of a chronological resume?

Appropriate for experienced candidates b) Mentions most recent job or
qualification first c) Appropriate when education and experience are unrelated to
the job applied for d) Not commonly used
39. The main purpose of a group discussion is to measure :
a) Knowledge b) Personality c) Group communication skills d) Leadership skills
40. The primary role of a moderator is to:
Facilitate the smooth functioning of the GD b) Keep track of time c) Announce
the GD topic d) Interfere during the GD
Arriving ahead of time for a meeting is an example of : a) Feedback b) Body
language c) Non-verbal communication d) Verbal communication e) Etiquette
The message sent is not always the same as the meaning attached to the message.
This is because of the : a) Wrong sender b) Wrong medium c) Faulty message d)
Inaccurate decoding
The term “ cardiac orifice” is an example of :
a) Words with multiple meanings
b) Jargon
c) Highly specific language
d) Biased language
Wrong decoding means :
a) Badly worded message
b) Message sent to wrong receiver
c) Interpreted meaning is different from intended message
d) Message sent by wrong sender
If you are the Advertising Manager of a company, your peers would include :
a) Market Research Manager b) Vice President Marketing c) Marketing Executive d)
Vice President Sales
6. The purpose of public relations is :
To sell the company’s products b) To communicate with shareholders c) To
project a favorable image of the company among various publics d) To
communicate during a crisis
7. Passive listening means :

a) Hard work b) Hearing the sound of words c) Hearing the meaning of words d)
Processing the information
8. Which of the following is not an indication of active listening?
a) Egocentrism b) Engaging in conversation with the speaker c) Taking notes d)
Reconstructing the information
9. The words “cognizant” and “aware” mean the same thing. Using “cognizant” instead
of “aware” is an example of :
a) Simple word b) Complex word c) Jargon d) Frequently misused word
10. Simple words should be used for all the following reasons, except :
a) Need less time and space b) Allow reader to focus on the idea c) Allow reader to get
the intended message d) Attract attention to the word itself
11. An impromptu speech means :
a) A prepared speech delivered without any supporting aids b) A speech delivered
without any preparation c) A speech delivered while referring to notes d) A speech
delivered by reading f rom notes
12. Reading the lines of a written text means :
Gaining in-depth understanding b) Superficial understanding of words c)
Understanding the intended meaning d) Going beyond the intended meaning
13. “ A meeting without an agenda is like a ship without a destination.” This means that
the meeting :
Has no goal b) Lacks leadership c) Is inconclusive d) Is disor ganized
14. A memo is known as an inter office memo because :
a) It is used to communicate with peers b) It is used to communicate with superiors c) It
is used to communicate with subordinates d) It is used to communicate between all levels
in the organization
15. An intranet differs from an extranet in the following way :
Intranet is a private website b) Intranet is meant only for internal stakeholders c)
Intranet is more suitable for large organizations d) Intranet is expensive to

16. Consideration in a business letter means :
a) Stressing the “me” attitude b) Using first person pronouns c) Stressing the “you”
attitude d) Appealing to the sender’s interest
17. A news release is more credible than advertising because :
a) It is carried free by the medium b) It announces a new development in the company c)
It is accepted by the medium
d) It is more interesting and newsworthy
18. Objectivity in a business report means the following :
Use of active voice b) Use of passive voice c) Use of the first person pronoun d)
Emphasizing the doer of the action
19. The resume should be written before the job application letter because:
a) The resume is seen first b) The resume helps to decide what to highlight in the letter c)
The resume is more important than the letter d) Most employers do not read application
20. A GD is highly structured because :
a) It is coordinated by a moderator b) It measures group communication skills c)
Members have to listen to the views of others d) The topic, time and number of
participants are all decided in advance
1. Which of the following indicates the correct sequence of the elements of
communication in the communication process?
Sender, Receiver, Channel, Message, Feedback
Receiver, Feedback, Sender, Message, Channel
Sender, Channel, Message, feedback, Receiver
Sender, Message, Channel, Receiver, Feedback
2. Match the following:
Set A
1. Words with multiple meanings
2. Jargon
3. Sexist language
4. Abstract language

Set B
a. May be used after careful audience analysis
b. May have a negative connotation
c. May lead to several interpretations
d. May lead to misunderstanding
A. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a
B. 1c, 2b, 3 a, 4d
C. 1b, 2a, 3d, 4 c
D. 1a, 2c, 3d, 4b
3. Match the stakeholder in Set A with the objective of communication with each
stakeholder, in Set B and select one of the answers given below -
Set A
1. Superiors
2. Peers
3. Subordinates
4. Shareholders
Set B
a) Building trust and confidence
b) Compliance with instructions and policies
c) Coordination of tasks
d) Problem solving
A. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d
B. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a
C. 1a, 2d, 3c, 4b
D. 1c, 2b, 3a, 4d
4. Match the following and select one of the answers given below –
Set A
1. Listener-speaker gap
2. Listening for emotions
3. Ego problems
4. Switching from one TV channel to another
Set B
a. Gender barrier
b. Physiological barrier
c. Bad listening habit
d. Attitudinal barrier

A. 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c
B. 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d
C. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b
D. 1d, 2a, 3b, 4 c
5. Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below -
Set A
1.”Write to express, not to impress”
2. Metaphors
3. Jargon
4. Slang
Set B
a. Informal writing
b. “Improve” vs. “Ameliorate
c. Advertising language
d. “Data Warehouse Architecture”
A. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b
B. 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a
C. 1a, 2b, 3d, 4c
D. 1d, 2a, 3b, 4c
6. Match the items in Set A with the items in Set B and select one of the answers given
below –
Set A
1. General purpose statement
2. Quantified goal
3. Audience age and gender
4. Trigger words
Set B
a) Speaking from notes
b) Demographic characteristics
c) Specific purpose statement
d) To persuade
A. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d
B. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4 a
C. 1a, 2b, 3d, 4c
D. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b

7. Match the following with the extracts given below and select one of the answers given
below –
1. A text book on modern management
2. A travel guide for businessmen
3. A company’s monthly newsletter
4. A computer software manual
a) One of the most popular hill stations in India, Munnar is situated at the confluence
of three mountain streams - Mudrapuzha, Nallathanni and Kundala. Located at 1600 mts.
above sea level, it has an area of 26.2 sq. km., with a temperature of 15.2º-25ºC in
summer and0º - 10º C during winter. The best time to visit Munnar is from September to
b) To be an effective manager in today’s competitive world, you must keep up-to-
date with the latest developments in technology. Technology is changing rapidly and the
pace of innovation is accelerating. New technologies are being developed all the time and
this puts even more pressure on managers.
c) The line, rectangle and oval tools are in Flash function, as you would expect from
using other graphic programs.
i) Click the Oval tool.
ii) Drag the work area to the right. Don’t worry about the color or fill.
iii) Click the white triangle at the right when you are r eady to continue.
d) We are pleased to announce the appointment of Shashank Bhat as our new
Director of Human Resources. Shashank began his career at Nimbus, after leaving
University. He has been working at the Head Of fice since last year. Shashank is married
and has one daughter.
A. 1b, 2a, 3d, 4c
B. 1a, 2b, 3c, 4d
C. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b
D. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a
8. Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below –
Set A
1. Nominal Group Technique
2. Convergence
3. Minutes
4. Opening the meeting
Set B

a) Outline of meeting
b) Permanent record
c) Different viewpoints
d) Unbiased
A.1a, 2c, 3b, 4d
B. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a
C. 1c, 2a, 3d, 4b
D. 1b, 2d, 3a, 4c
9. Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below :
Set A
1. Passive voice
2. Direct organizational plan
3. Persuasive memo
4. Indirect organizational plan
Set B
a) Reasons first
b) Regular reports
c)Informational memo
d) Call for action
A. 1c, 2a, 3b, 4d
B. 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a
C. 1a, 2b, 3d, 4c
D. 1d, 2c, 3a, 4b
10. Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below –
Set A
1. “WIFM” principle
2. “P”s and “Q”s
3. Readability
4. “FYI”
Set B
a) Bullet points and white space
b) Acronym
c) Reader benefits
d) Etiquette
A. 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a
B. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b
C. 1a, 2b, 3d, 4c

D. 1d, 2a, 3c, 4b
11. Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below :
Set A
1. Adjustment
2. Order letter
3. Bad news letter
4. AIDA format
Set B
a) Rejecting a business proposal
b) Persuasive message
c) Supplier
d) Replacement of a defective product
A. 1d, 2c, 3a, 4b
B. 1c, 2d, 3b, 4a
C. 1a, 2b, 3d, 4c
D. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d
12. Read the following press release and match the highlighted sentences with one of the
following and select one of the answers given below –
a) Company credentials
b) New development
c) Answer to key questions
d) Impact on the community
NAPC bags two mining projects in Thailand
The $110 million contract has a lease period of 10 years
Chennai : National Asphalt Products and Construction Company ( NAPC), a
Chennai-based infrastructure and contractual mining company, has bagged two
prestigious iron-ore mining projects in Thailand . (1). These projects will be on a
50:50 joint venture with a leading mine owner and the contract value will be of $110
million for a lease period of 10 years.(2).
Addressing presspersons here on Thursday, Varun Manian, Director, NAPC, said
two mines
were located at Wang Pong and Pa Tong in 5000 acres and 2000 acres
respectively and
would be providing employment opportunities to over 1000 people
in Thailand, besides providing offshore working experience to 80 NAPC engineers
across levels.(3).

NAPC had undertaken a Rs. 75 crore overseas road project in Dubai. At present, it
was executing green line elevated section traffic diversion work at Abuhail station.
It was also working on Villa Airport in the Maldives, besides setting up ready mix
concrete plants in Abu Dhabi.(4)
A. 1a, 2b, 3d, 4c
B. 1b, 2c, 3d, 4a
C. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b
D. 1d, 2a, 3b, 4c
13. Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below –
Set A
1. Preliminary part
2. Problem definition
3. Appendix
4. Documentation
Set B
a) Bibliography
b) Technical specifications
c) Body of report
d) Executive summary
A. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d
B. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a
C. 1a, 2d, 3c, 4b
D. 1c, 2b, 3d, 4a
14. Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below –
Set A
1. Basic data
2. Career objective
3. Education
4. Experience
Set B
a) Marketing Research Executive in charge of Wire Line Phones
b) Qualified in final exams of Institute of Company Secretaries of India
c) To excel as a faculty in the domain of Marketing
d) Occupation : Chartered Accountant
A.1d, 2c, 3b, 4a
B. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b
C. 1a, 2b, 3d, 4c

D. 1b, 2a, 3c, 4d
15. Match the following sets and select one of the answers given below –
Set A
1. Pre-interview preparation
2. During the interview
3. Commonly asked interview question
4. Job related information
Set B
a) Opportunity for career advancement
b) Strengths and weaknesses
c) Body language
d) Structuring the interview
A. 1b,2a, 3c, 4d
B. 1d, 2c, 3b, 4a
C. 1a, 2b, 3d, 4c
D. 1c, 2d, 3a, 4b

SMU MBA Marketing Management MODEL PAPER

PART A (One mark questions)
1) The additional P’s of marketing are –
a. People, Physical evidence, Package
b. People, Physical evidence, Process
c. People, Process, Packaging
d. Physical evidence, Process, Packaging
2) One of the features of marketing research is –

a. It is multi-tasking
b. It is multi-purpose
c. It is multi-disciplinary
d. It is multi-natured
3) The objective of Test marketing is to –
a. Test the market with consumers
b. Introduce product in open market
c. Predict product’s performance and its future
d. Test consumers with the product
4) Pricing is one of the essential components of –
a. Promotion mix
b. Marketing mix
c. Product mix
d. STP strategy
5) Minimum Wages act is an example for –
a. Monetary policy
b. Economic policy
c. Legislation
d. Consumer protection

6) When each party has something that could be of value to other party, it results into –
a. Exchange process
b. Marketing activity
c. Market place
d. Money exchange
7) All activities involved in selling goods or services for the purpose of resale or business use is termed as –
a. Wholesaling
b. Retailing
c. Direct marketing
d. Direct sale
8) Product convenience becomes the _________________ product buying motive –
a. Patronage
b. Emotional
c. Rational
d. Habitual
9) The accurate meaning of "International Marketing" is -
a. Marketing goods to developed countries
b. Marketing products worldwide
c. Selling global products in domestic market
d. Marketing using World Wide Web

10) One of the disadvantages of branding is –
a. It is negative
b. It is competitive
c. It is costly
d. It is risky
11) Which of the following indicates a sales territory?
a. A particular retail outlet
b. A particular geographical location
c. A specific market segment
d. A specific sales journey
12) When the target market views a brand as one more entry in the market, it is called as –
a. Over Positioning
b. Confused positioning
c. Under positioning
d. Doubtful positioning
13) Marketing communication mix is also called as -
a. Promotion mix
b. Product mix
c. Personal communication mix

d. Marketing mix
14) When major supplies are received for the first time from a new supplier it is called as –
a. Straight buy
b. Straight re-buy
c. New task
d. Modified re-buy
15) A brand which bears the name of the seller or store where it’s sold is called as –
a. Co-brand
b. Manufacturer brand
c. Private brand
d. Multi brand
16) The marketing technique that uses social networking sites on the internet for promotion or advertising is called as
a. Networking
b. Viral Marketing
c. Online marketing
d. Internet advertising
17) Advertising is a part of ____________________ function –
a. Distribution

b. Selling
c. Promotion
d. Pricing
18) Example for an augmented product –
a. Exchange offers
b. Guarantee period
c. Maintenance checks
d. Quality standards
19) Identify the feature that makes Marketing research not an exact science –
a. It uses scientific methods
b. It deals with behavioural studies
c. It is based on hypothesis
d. It uses data and figures
20) Which among the following is an example for a non-profit organisation?
a. Hotel
b. Hospital
c. Charitable society
d. University
21) The 4 P’s of Marketing represent one of the following –

a. 4 phases
b. 4 personalities
c. 4 components
d. 4 philosophies
22) Collecting, analysing and evaluating accurate/appropriate marketing related information is the task of –
a. Marketing information system
b. Management information system
c. Materials information system
d. Market information system
23) Acquiring, interpreting, selecting and organising sensory information is called as –
a. Retention
b. Perception
c. Self-actualisation
d. Adoption
24) Among the following external sources of recruiting sales people, find the ODD one -
a. Educational Institution
b. Non-competing business enterprise
c. Existing employees
d. Employment exchange

25) The most traditional method used in direct marketing is __________________.
a. Catalogue marketing
b. Direct mail
c. Online marketing
d. Viral marketing
26) In Global marketing orientation, product needs across the countries are __________.
a. Irregular
b. Ever changing
c. Universal
d. Seasonal
27) An advocate can be converted to a ___________.
a. Partner
b. Client
c. Member
d. Prospect
28) In which of the following will you find Base line, Headline & sub-headline?
a. TV ad
b. Print ad
c. Online ad
d. Radio ad

29) Buzz marketing makes use of ____________ to spread the information about the products to other people.
a. Retailers
b. Suppliers
c. Ad agencies
d. Opinion leaders
30) When medical representatives provide information about new products or medicines to the doctors or hospitals,
this type of sales person is called as -
a. Inside order taker
b. Field executives
c. Missionary sales person
d. Sales executive
31) In the product mix pricing strategies, when the price is set for accessories along with the actual product, it’s called
as _________________ pricing –
a. Product bundle
b. Optional product
c. Captive product
d. By-product
32) The process of dividing the potential market into sub-markets with common needs and features is called –
a. Segmentation

b. Target marketing
c. Positioning
d. Market coverage
33) One of the characteristics of business market is –
a. Few buyers
b. Many buyers
c. Daily buyers
d. Small buyers
34) Example for a personal factor that influences consumer behaviour is –
a. Religion
b. Reference group
c. Sub-culture
d. Occupation
35) Following is a Macro environmental force EXCEPT –
a. Monetary policies
b. Organisational culture
c. Inflation
d. Demographics
36) The target set for a fixed period for any sales executive is called as -

a. Sales territory
b. Activity quota
c. Sales margin
d. Sales quota
37) Which of the following is an example for product attribute?
a. Product design
b. Product packaging
c. Brand
d. Brand equity
38) The type of market where single seller dominates the entire market is referred to as –
a. Perfect
b. Imperfect
c. Local
d. Global
39) When the company has its goods sold in as many retail outlets as possible, the distribution is called –
a. Selective
b. Exclusive
c. Open
d. Intensive

40) When a prospect has been identified, it is called as _________ and is the 1st stage in personal selling process
a. Lead evaluation
b. Buyer analysis
c. Order generation
d. Lead generation
PART B (Two marks questions)
41) Identify true and false statement –
A. Incorrectly positioned product helps the brand
B. Brands last for a longer period in market
a. A-true, B-false
b. A-false, B-true
c. A-true, B-true
d. A-false, B-false
42) Identify the Economic indicators among the following –
a. Migration and geographical distribution
b. Age and Marital status
c. Working women and their income
d. Education and occupation
43) The first and second stage in the Adoption process is –

a. Awareness and Trial
b. Awareness and Interest
c. Interest and Trial
d. Trial and Adoption
44) Select the true and false statements –
A. Computer systems form the nerve centre of MIS
B. MIS forms the nerve centre of company’s marketing function
a. A-true, B-false
b. A-true, B-true
c. A-false, B-true
d. A-false, B-false
45) Whether to continue with the existing supplier or search for a new vendor is determined in this particular stage of
Organisational Buying process –
a. Problem recognition
b. Proposal solicitation
c. Performance review
d. Supplier search
46) Identify the true and false statements -
A. Controlling domestic markets is easier than controlling International markets.
B. A company cannot be regarded as International if it operates only in one foreign market.

a. A is true, B is false
b. A is false, B is true
c. A and B is true
d. A and B is false
47) Following factors make rural marketing different from urban markets EXCEPT -
a. Consumer segment
b. Geographical distance
c. Literacy levels
d. Mobility of people
48) Example for Captive product pricing when the product offered is Adidas sports shoes –
a. Trekking shoes for Rs. 600
b. Socks for Rs. 200
c. Discount of Rs.500 for exchange of old shoes
d. Coupon for Rs. 300 for next purchase
49) The differences between a good and service is –
a. Good is intangible, service is tangible
b. Good is inventoried, service is preserved
c. Goods and services have no difference
d. Good can be touched, service is felt

50) From the characteristics of questionnaires given below, find the ODD one –
a. It has primary data
b. It has logical sequence
c. It is specific
d. It is flexible
51) Identify the criteria to select a brand name among the following –
a. Evaluative
b. Exchangeable
c. Easy handling
d. Easy recognition
52) Identify the correct statement from the following –
a. Wholesalers can directly resell products to manufacturers
b. Manufacturers can directly sell products to consumers
c. Agents must sell to wholesalers
d. Retailers must sell to wholesalers
53) Identify the correct statements –
A. In Product concept, focus is on innovating and improving products
B. In Selling concept, consumers are persuaded to buy products
C. In Production concept, quality of product is considered as essential
D. In Societal concept, overall well being of society is considered to be important

a. A, B, C
b. B, C, D
c. C, D, A
d. D, A, B
54) Identify the ODD one among the following pair of Demographic indicators –
a. Migration and geographical distribution
b. Age and marital status
c. Income and monetary policies
d. Education and occupation
55) Undifferentiated marketing has which of these market features?
A. One product for all
B. Common needs exist
C. Only one marketing mix
D. One target market
a. A, B
b. A, B, C, D
c. A, B, C
d. Only B
56) One of the disadvantages of licensing a brand is -
a. Failure of positioning

b. Failure of brand
c. Lack of manufacturing control
d. Lack of authenticity
57) Which is an example for Direct Marketing?
a. Personal selling
b. Retailing
c. Test marketing
d. Telemarketing
58) From the following, identify the reason for companies to enter international markets -
a. Bored of domestic markets
b. Domestic markets are bored
c. International markets is more profitable
d. Domestic markets have matured
59) Identify the correct set of characteristics of Marketing audit –
a. Comprehensive, dynamic, independent
b. Comprehensive, interdependent, periodic
c. Comprehensive, independent, static
d. Independent, systematic, periodic
60) The evaluative parameters while buying a product is required to determine __________________.

a. Product durability
b. Product alternatives
c. Product availability
d. Product features
PART C (Four marks questions)
61) Find the correct sequence in the Consumer decision process which involves following stages –
A. Need recognition
B. Purchase decision
C. Information search
D. Post purchase decision
a. C, B, D, A
b. B, D, A, C
c. D, A, C, B
d. A, C, B, D
62) Samurai manufacturers already have three products in the market let us say X1, X2 and X3. X3 is a popular product
with high turnover and generates reasonable returns. The sales of X1 are lower due to high competition and
increasing costs. X2 is incurring high costs as well but this product has very high scope in the future. Identify the PLC
stages of X1, X2 and X3.
a. X1-decline, X2-maturity, X3-introduction

b. X1-maturity, X2-decline, X3-introduction
c. X1-growth, X2-decline, X3-maturity
d. X1-decline, X2-introduction, X3-maturity
63) Match the following actions with people involved in B2B buying –
First set:
1. Giving consent on the selected supplier
2. Works with the materials
3. Act as an agent between buyer and seller
4. Evaluate vendors
Second set:
A. Buyers
B. Gate-keepers
C. Deciders
D. Users
a. 1A, 2C, 3D, 4B
b. 1B, 2A, 3C, 4D
c. 1C, 2D, 3B, 4A
d. 1D, 2B, 3A, 4C
64) Match the types of discount offered by companies with appropriate examples –
First set:

1. Cash
2. Seasonal
3. Quantity
4. Functional
Second set:
A. 20% monsoon rebate
B. Free trial offer
C. 3 weeks credit
D. Two for price of one
a. 1B, 2C, 3A, 4D
b. 1A, 2D, 3B, 4C
c. 1C, 2A, 3D, 4B
d. 1D, 2B, 3C, 4A
65) Milan Hospitality was facing serious problem regarding the quality of food at its restaurants. They had hired new
cooks but food was not appreciated by customers. However, room service, cleanliness and facilities for the
boarders were excellent and customers had no problem regarding this aspect. But, local newspapers carried out
a small article stating that Milan Hospitality was closing down its business because of no customers. What
according to you is the immediate problem faced by Milan due to this newspaper report?
a. Bad advertising
b. Negative publicity
c. Media conflict

d. Bad PR
66) Prem is a college going student. He is interested to buy a brand new motor-bike as a means of transport instead of
using public vehicles to go to college. But, his conservative middle class parents are unwilling to buy him a bike
because they want to save more for his future studies. Identify the personal factors in the above with regard to
Prem’s need and his parent’s behaviour.
a. Age and income
b. Income and family
c. Age and personality
d. Family and occupation
67) Identify the correct sequence that leads to potential demand –
a. Unlimited wantsLimited resourcesdesire and ability to buyDemand
b. NeedsDesire and ability to buyWantsDemand
c. NeedsWantsDesire and ability to buyDemand
d. Limited resourcesDesire & ability to buyreadiness to spendDemand
68) Samarthan Groups is hiring people in its sales department. They want candidates who are willing to travel abroad
and manage the foreign clients. But, most interviewed candidates were unwilling to travel. Samarthan Groups
recently communicated to all its employees about the urgency to fill in the vacancies. The management received
some potential candidates through employees’ contacts who were willing to travel. What is this type of recruitment
source called as?
a. Unsolicited applications

b. Recommended cases
c. Advertisement
d. Internal recruitment
69) Bugsy Animations consistently used smiling creatures in its advertisements. Even if there was a picture of a monster
or dinosaurs, they would be shown as smiling. What kind of ad appeal is Bugsy Animations using?
a. Rational appeal
b. Positive emotional appeal
c. Moral appeal
d. Negative appeal
70) Match the following features with the stages in business buying process –
First set:
1. Shortlist qualified ones
2. Formal presentations
3. Prepare checklist
4. Item quantity needed
Second set:
A. Proposal solicitation
B. Supplier selection
C. Need description
D. Supplier search

a. 1B, 2C, 3D, 4A
b. 1D, 2A, 3B, 4C
c. 1C, 2D, 3A, 4B
d. 1A, 2B, 3C, 4D
71) Identify the true and false statements –
A. The intention of Promotional pricing is to initiate immediate sales
B. Stock clearance sales is an example for promotional pricing
C. Promotional pricing involves lowering the prices as pricing strategy
D. Promotional pricing together is a part of direct marketing strategy
a. A is true
b. B and D is true
c. A, B and C is true
d. A and D is true
72) Rafiq’s manufacturing agency suffered a loss due to excessive stock and hectic manufacturing schedules. Rafiq was
determined to sell his products and that’s why he thought speeding up the manufacturing activities and having a
huge stock will help him to get more sales. But, customers preferred competitor’s products. Rafiq realised his
approach was wrong. By following which marketing concept, Rafiq’s agency resulted into loss?
a. Selling concept
b. Product concept
c. Production concept
d. Marketing concept

73) Mr. Gavin purchased a branded stereo system recently. But, this brand, he could not find in most electronic retail
outlets. Then, in one particular electronic store he found this brand. He enquired there about where else this
brand was available. He received a list in which it was mentioned the various locations about the brand’s
availability. To Gavin’s surprise, he learnt that the brand was sold in several outlets. What kind of distribution
strategy do you think the company owning this brand is following?
a. Selective distribution
b. Exclusive distribution
c. Intensive distribution
d. Indirect distribution
74) Match the following segmentation basis with examples –
First set:
1. Behavioural
2. Demographic
3. Psychographic
4. Geographic
Second set:
A. Children
B. Egyptians
C. Believers

D. Split loyal
a. 1B, 2D, 3A, 4C
b. 1A, 2C, 3B, 4D
c. 1D, 2A, 3C, 4B
d. 1C, 2B, 3D, 4A
75) Find the correct order in which Marketing research performs these tasks of managing information –
A. Analysing data
B. Collecting data
C. Recording data
D. Reporting data
a. D, B, C, A
b. C, A, D, B
c. B, C, A, D
d. A, D, B, C

Last edited by Udai Kant; December 9th, 2019 at 10:24 AM.
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Old June 6th, 2012, 03:20 PM
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Default Re: SMU Books Download

It is not at all able to download MBA books of Sikkim Manipal University from the websites. If you are willing to buy it by paying cash , you can purchase it from leading book sellers or by online.

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MBA in a Book: Mastering Business with Attitude
Written by: Joel Kurtzman, Glenn Rifkin, Victoria Griffith

Complete MBA For Dummies
Written by: Kathleen Allen PhD, Peter Economy
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Old February 19th, 2014, 01:17 PM
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Default Re: SMU Books Download

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Answered By StudyChaCha Member
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Old April 4th, 2014, 10:18 AM
Default Re: SMU Books Download

I want to get some model question papers for MBA Program of Sikkim Manipal University. So will you provide the model question papers to me?
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Old April 22nd, 2014, 10:53 AM
Default Re: SMU Books Download BCA BC0042

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Old May 5th, 2015, 05:08 PM
Default Re: SMU Books Download

I have done MBA ( Operation Management) from Sikkim Manipal University. Ihave PDf of all books, around 24. I can share these with you.
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Old May 10th, 2015, 11:48 AM
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Join Date: May 2015
Default Re: SMU Books Download

Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
I have done MBA ( Operation Management) from Sikkim Manipal University. Ihave PDf of all books, around 24. I can share these with you.
dear sir,kindly emailme all these books on my email id : jtotaxrwa@gmail.com
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Old May 17th, 2015, 08:09 PM
Default SMU Books Download

Sir, Please sent me the pdf of all books of mba in my mail ID riteshsharma152@yahoo.com
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Old June 3rd, 2015, 08:41 PM
Default Re: SMU Books Download

please send it to me also my email id is bharathwajcse@gmail.com
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Old June 9th, 2015, 09:11 PM
Junior Member
Join Date: Jun 2015
Default Re: SMU Books Download

good evening
my name is naresh form delhi living.
sir maine tis hazari court ka fourm bhara hai 24-5-2015 .
please sir mera ab exam bhi anne wala hai app please meri hlep kar dijiye.
fourm-tis hazari court delhi.
post-peon,ordnerly,dak peon
please iss post ki book/ syllabus
meri e-mail sent karde.
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